We Are Co-op

A co-op is not a building – it’s not a gas bar or a food store. A co-op is a group of people working together to help their neighbours and build their community.

We are local

Our Co-op is many things. At times, it can be difficult to define who we are because Co-op is different things in different communities. This diversity is based in the foundation that we are local.

We are a reflection of our unique communities because we were built by you and for you. People worked together to start a Co-op in their community, a business owned by the community and a business that gives back to the community – it’s why we exist.

Our Co-op is really your Co-op.

We are Western Canada

It’s a different way of doing business. Success is earned and shared. Your Co-op doesn’t benefit one person or one corporation. Your Co-op was built for everyone.

All members, customers, employees and communities are part of Co-op – we are Western Canada. It’s supporting one another so that future generations may benefit from what we’ve built. We all have a role to play.

Co-op is about all of us. That’s why we say:

We Are Co-op

We are more than 160 local independent co-operative associations. We are more than 600 communities across Western Canada. We are more than 2 million Co-op members and more than 23,500 employees.

And we are in this together.

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